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To fix the crash when Eruption gets weakened:

  1. Open the file equipment.csv, located at \Pyromancer\_append\data\text\equipment.csv
  2. Using a text editor (not Excel) add the following line to the file:
Eruption_downgraded,Roll 1 extra burning die|next turn.,2,inflictself(~erupt~); sfx(~_fire~);,,MIN4,,ITEM,GREEN,,,,,0,NO,NO,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Hey kcaze 

was wondering if you would like to join a christmas special we could really use your help to make a playable charecter! Hit me up on discord 


to join the chat with all the other modders

Hey there,

Unfortunately I'm busy with other projects and haven't worked on Dicey Dungeons modding in a while, so I'm afraid I can't help much. If you have any specific technical questions about how things were done for this mod or about making a character mod, I can try to answer them though!

Best of luck!


Hey kcaze! I was wondering if you were still working on Pyromancer, and if not, I was wondering if I have your permission to work on an expansion for it? Things like more items, gimmicks, and episodes if you wouldn't mind.


Hi there, feel free to publish a mod that extends the Pyromancer mod. I'd prefer if you credited this mod if the expansion uses the same name and/or images, but otherwise go wild!

I don't have any plans for additional episodes but did have ideas for a couple other original characters I wanted to try to make. Maybe those will happen eventually!


Nice! Thank you for the permission, and yes I will credit the main mod for whatever I do.


Just to make sure, Magma is about dealing self-inflicted damage that turn back onto the enemy? I just need to know that was the intended purpose. Great mod, btw!

Also, Everscorch shows (#burning) text instead of any symbols.


Yep, Magma should primarily be for dealing self-inflicted damage back. I believe it should also work correctly with poison so it can kind of act as a soft counter to enemies that poison you.

Oh no, thanks for the bug report. I haven't been actively working on this very much but I'll try to get that fixed when I next put out some changes.


Great mod! Can be a bit of a rough start, but so can a lot of the characters. Once it gets going, super satisfying. 

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I LOVE this mod. I'm a programmer and trying to make my own character mod, but I'm not familiar with some of the tooling. How did you make/edit the atf and pck files? If you could point me to a tutorial I'd really appreciate it. I tried to use Godot but I couldn't get a pck loading script to work.

EDIT- I missed your comment below about Dicey Modgeons, checking that out now!

(1 edit) (+1)

(Also your roguelike sprites are fabulous as well)



This is a super fun mod! I've been enjoying it. It looks like eruption doesn't have a downgraded variant btw- the game crashed when i was in a fight with the singer


That was great! I agree with the other comment, it felt like a real episode! Very cohesive and fun, to the point that I wiiiiiish there were more episode! (Here's praying to Lady Luck!) My only complaint is that I think Inferno is phrased incorrectly? I thought it meant it would roll a burned dice, but it inflicts burn to the opponent, it's minor but I would maybe change the phrasing on that? Otherwise, great mod, character and equipment!

Thanks for the kind comment, Voxifera! I'm not sure if I'll be working on more episodes yet, but I'll definitely be fixing bugs and acting on suggestions for the episode I've released so far.

"Inferno" is from the base game but the wording gets a bit confusing with the new equipment added in the mod. I'll remove it from the item pool and replace it with a piece of original equipment that has a similar effect!


I really liked this mod. It felt really complete in it's presentation.

The character was fun. You could immediatly see all the potentials for synergys and it was satisfying to use them. I did feel like he was a bit underpowered early game.

The game crashed when I tried to upgrade boulder, but the rest was smooth.

I would reccommend this mod!

P.S. Did you use the mod tool to make this?

Thank you, I've verified the bug with upgrading Smoulder and I'll fix it in an update soon! I am also planning to buff the early game based on feedback.

The equipment is made in the official modding tool Dicey Modgeons. Images were modified in GIMP and animated in After Effects. Some additional files were edited directly in a text editor.

Thanks a lot!